
Source of Information/Practices

This portal has information for reference purpose only. We collect information from various sources such as official websites, books and other similar websites and compiled it then finalised it for publishing. We recommend kindly visit official website for official information/notification or contact concerned authority for detailed and authentic information. However, we take all necessary measures while preparing the information.

Authenticity of Content

The information provided in this portal is prepared on the basis of information available on concerned official website and other web resources. We at www.careerindianinfo.in takes all possible care before publishing content on website.  We do not guarantee accuracy or genuineness of the content of this portal because there may be some typographical error, human error, system failure or time constraints etc. Therefore, we recommend everyone to verify information from official website also. If you find any inappropriate or incorrect information on this website, please write us at careerindiainfohelp@gmail.com.

Disclaimer: We at www.careerindiainfo.in welcomes each one of you for visiting this portal. As stated above, we are not responsible for any personal loss or damage of any kind to any individual due to any information provided here. Hence, it is reiterating again, please verify the information from official notification/website also.